WEGS FM - 91.7
We Encourage God's Servants
Serving West Florida Since 1985-2018
Celebrating 33 Years of Radio Ministry to the Panhandle

Listener Supported

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Sharathon Volunteers

Main Studio Located in the Howard West Bldg at Olive Baptist Church, Pensacola

    Signature Programs:
  • Thee Morning Drive, Hosts: Larry Linkous, 6:30 - 7:30 AM Monday...Friday
  • NIGHTSOUNDS with Bill Pearce is aired 'elevenish'
  • Gospel Jazz, Host: Rich Germaine (gospel jazz); Ernie Lansford (java jazz & praise), 6:00 - 10:00 PM Saturday
  • Spanish teaching and music Sunday afternoon
  • First Baptist Milton Sunday Morning Service 12:00 Noon (previous service)
  • Olive Baptist Services, 8:00 AM and 5:30 PM.


A Variety of Programming for a Variety of Needs


Telephone: (321) 961 4211
Email: wpio@gate.net
Studio: 1836 Olive Rd, Pensacola, FL 32514 (Olive Baptist Church)

Officers & Directors:

Florida Public Radio, Inc. an IRS 501(c)(3) exempt educational organization.
Officers and Directors: Randy Henry,P - Archie Shetler,VP - Carol Henry,ST - Dave Talley,Dir - Betty Evans,Dir

Here are the organization's owned and operated stations. All are nonprofit/noncommercial.
WPIO-Oct-1975 Titusville, FL 89.3     7,100 - Watts   "We Pass It On"
WEJF-Sep-1992 Palm Bay, FL 90.3     30,000 - Watts   "We Encourage Jesus Followers"
WEGS-Nov-1985 Pensacola, FL 91.7     20,000 - Watts   "We Encourage God's Servants"
KREJ-Sep-1990 Medicine Lodge, KS 101.7   50,000 - Watts    "Kansas Radio Exhalting Jesus"
KSNS-May-2000 Medicine Lodge, KS 91.5     96,000 - Watts   "Keep Singing New Songs"
KSKB-Mar-1988 Brooklyn, IA 99.1     43,000 - Watts   "Keep Smiling Keep Believing"
KLOX-Aug-2005 Creston, IA 90.9     500 watts - Watts    no slogan, just sounds good
KNJT-Nov-2011 Coldwater, KS 90.9     1000 watts - Watts    no slogan, just sounds good
KRTT-Jan-2012 Great Bend, KS 88.1     900 watts - Watts    no slogan, just sounds good
WKFA-July-2004 Saint Catherine, FL 89.3     3,900 - DA** - Watts    "We Keep Faith Alive"
WKTO-Jan-1998 Edgewater, FL* 88.9     25,000 - Watts   "We Keep Telling Others"

*A sister station serving Volusia & Seminole Counties - Carol Henry, President: Mims Community Radio, Inc.


Olive Baptist Church, Pensacola

WKTO-88.9 FM (Daytona Beach/Deland)

GuideStar - national database of nonprofit organizations

Florida Public Radio, Inc. Fed ID 59-1740662 - A Nonprofit Christian Broadcasting Org Utilizing Public FM Radio